Thursday, November 5, 2009

Taper Madness.................

I can’t believe all of my training comes down to this….WTF. This year I’ve battled back from yet another calf injury only to have this happen…. Saturday is B2B and there is no way I’ll be able to even finish it…..I can’t believe it.
In the last week I have somehow managed to gain at least 88 pounds… I didn’t weigh myself but I know I could easily enter as a Master Clydesdale. It had to be all those sausage biscuits I ate yesterday morning….I didn’t count but I know I ate at least 43, and drank a gallon of coke……
This morning I was brushing my teeth and I somehow managed to dislocate my shoulder….I haven’t gone to the doctor, but I know my arm is about to fall off. I think I have an ear infection and although I didn’t get it checked out I’m sure any moment I’m going to loose my hearing. On top of that I think I have swine flu............crap! I’m supposed to do a short ride and run today but I’m afraid that if I do I may not recover in time to eat dinner again tonight....... I’m so fat but I have to…
Damn I hate taper madness…….whatever man........

At least my bike is ready to roll!

1 comment:

  1. Funny post! It made me laugh...

    -Jessi Thompson (Team Trakkers)
    Spokane, WA
